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Sunday, August 13, 2006

VoIP Summary - Sun Aug 13/06

If you speak Turkish, be wary of an email written in the language that has a link to a fake Skype website, and which hosts a file (skypekur.exe) that will steal all kinds of passwords from your computer and email them back to the originator. [via SurfControl]

With all the complaints that the QoS (Quality of Service) of VoIP, Pandora Networks is hoping their new suite of services will make a difference. They're aiming at the SMB (Small to Medium Business) market. [via TMC Net]

Telcos who are starting to offer VoIP services are going to be unlikely to do so at discount rates, according to Infonetics Research. Instead, they're more likely to add extra features and charge a premium rate. [via Computing]

A couple of weeks ago, Ed Whitacre, CEO of AT&T, shot his mouth off about his view of network neutrality. Basically, he said that no one should get a free ride. But as Russell Shaw points out in the article, quoting the It's Our Net Coalition, telcos already make US$14 billion per year from Internet companies and US$20 billion per year from broadband subscriber fees.

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VoIP Summary

Summaries of VoIP news, reviews, and articles. VoIP = Voice or Video over Internet Protocol. Includes discussions of VoIP IM (Instant Messaging) software, VoIP phones, hardware, company profiles, regulations, etc..

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