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Friday, August 11, 2006

VoIP Summary - Fri Aug 11/06

Sphere Communications is targeting OEMs and ISVs with their new SphereCSE Communications Service Engine, which is an IP PBX software development platform that is built XML and SOAP and several other web service formats. They offer a free SDK (Software Development Kit) for download. [via TMC Net]

If you're about network threats via VoIP, Network Box has their Unified Threat Management (UTM) appliance and service that provides anti-spam, anti-virus, anti-phishing and other features. It's compatible with SIP and H.323 [via IT Backbones]

The Internet-based telephone subscriber base grew in the US by 21 percent in Q2 2006. Cable companies have been the winner in this increase. [via Chicago Tribune]

The Square Mile downtown financial core of London, UK, will have Wi-Fi coverage by the end of this year. The move will give city workers access to mobile VoIP service. The network will be set up using street "furniture" such as signs and lamp posts. [via Contractor UK]

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VoIP Summary

Summaries of VoIP news, reviews, and articles. VoIP = Voice or Video over Internet Protocol. Includes discussions of VoIP IM (Instant Messaging) software, VoIP phones, hardware, company profiles, regulations, etc..

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